How to Avoid the Freshman 15 by Combating Cravings


By: Angelique Millis Ah, the Freshman 15- the infamous 10-20 pound weight gain phenomenon that college students experience as they transition from highschool to college.  While the hustle and bustle of college life makes it difficult for students to diet, many have learned that they can compromise with their cravings and make better decisions to avoid the weight gain. What are Cravings? Cravings are strong yearnings for specific foods, usually those with high sugar or high fat content. Unlike the normal hunger that we experience between meals on a daily basis, cravings are triggered by … [Read more...]

Healthy Kitchen Makeover


There is no denying that dining out has its perks- it’s fun, easy and takes the guess-work out of what’s for dinner but if you are on a mission to achieve and maintain a world-class physique, you will soon learn that restaurants are your biggest “frenemies”. While most claim to have become more health conscious over the past few years by offering a low-calorie menu, a restaurant’s definition of “low calorie” may not always coincide with yours. It’s time to get psyched about cooking at home- not only will you save time and money but there is a certain sense of satisfaction that comes along with … [Read more...]

Ask a Trainer: Weight Loss Success Principals and a Dream Physique

"Ask Angelique" Top 3 Tips for your Summer Dream Physique

By: Angelique Millis Fitness Professional, Author & Lifestyle Coach Let's face the truth- There is no substitute for good old fashion hard work and a clean diet to give you the body of your dreams. With so many diet fads and questionable diet supplements on the market, sometimes "the right thing to do" can become ambiguous and you can feel lost and alienated. I am here to share with you 3 Success Principals that will help you create positive habits for LIFE and put you right on track to achieving your fitness and weight loss goals! It is time to slim down for summer with these 3 … [Read more...]

Top 10 Workout Mistakes

Top 10 Workout Mistakes by Angelique Millis

    There are a lot of unhealthy and counterproductive workout habits and behaviors in which many unknowingly partake of on a daily basis; things that people have been doing wrong for years but simply never took the time to examine. These are mistakes that ANYONE can make, especially when starting out in the gym. I like to call them “Gym-stakes” & I am here to warn you of what they are before you accidentally develop bad workout habits. Here are the Top 10 Workout Mistakes: 1.     Doing Cardio “The Wrong Way” There’s a delicate balance when it comes to cardio- If … [Read more...]