Family Play 365

Girl playing dog

How much physical activity does your family get each day? If you are like most American families, the answer will be - not enough! Obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 72 million US adults are now obese and 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese. Obesity is the number two leading cause of preventable death in the Unites States. Being overweight or obese reduces your quality of life and increases your risk for chronic health conditions and diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood … [Read more...]

Inspirational Quote:

One of the biggest factors in success is the courage to undertake something. - James A. Worsham … [Read more...]

Fit or Fiction – Baby Boomers’ Fitness


Whether you're old or young, in shape or never picked up a weight in your life, you've probably heard a lot of fitness myths.  There are all kinds of ideas about weight loss and exercise out there, ranging from credible to downright crazy.  Here are just a few of the common myths baby boomers hear about their fitness and the real truth behind them. Myth 1:  You can't be in great shape. When you think of healthy, sculpted bodies, your mind generally cuts to people in their 20's.  While many people want to be more fit and healthy, they have convinced themselves that they are simply too old … [Read more...]

How Much Exercise Do Kids Need?

Girl playing dog

There was a time when no one worried about kids getting enough exercise. Before the invention of television, computers and video games, children often spent much of their time participating in physical activities. They played tag with friends, organized impromptu basketball games and rode their bikes. But today, the abundance of inactive pursuits for children has led to a decrease in their activity level. The dangers of an inactive lifestyle are many. When an adult has a sedentary lifestyle, it increases his risk of serious health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart … [Read more...]