-- START A REVOLUTION IN YOUR LIFE! In a couple of weeks, many people will be making New Year's Resolutions. I challenge you to defy the Status Quo. Dare to be different. Resolutions are weak. Make New Year's REVOLUTIONS! Intensely burn with the desire to achieve the changes that you want down deep in your core. Think long and hard about WHY you want to change and WHAT you really want. The WHY has got to be so big that it crowds out doubt, fatigue, obstacles, fear and apathy. Keep your eyes on your WHYS. Revolutionize your life and grab what you really want. Be Defiant. … [Read more...]
Use It or Lose It

Remember when you were in school and your parents and teachers would tell you "Use it or lose it"? That statement refers to exercising your brain. We must use it every single day, or you will find, one day, over time, that your mental capacity has lessened. Have you ever been good at crossword puzzles, sudoku, or search-a-word games? Have you ever taken a considerable "vacation" from those mental games, and upon your return, you're not quite as good? The same is true for our bodies. In this crazy world we live in, we take on more and more responsibilities, and leave less and less time for … [Read more...]
Passion For Fitness
I am passionate about fitness for many reasons. One of the most significant however is that I know my work enriches people’s lives. The benefits to being fit are not only physiological, but emotional and psycho-social; in addition to feeling better, looking better, and improving their health profiles, my clients/participants find they interact with friends, co-workers and family in more positive ways. Being fit empowers people to be more effective in so many areas of their lives. There is no greater feeling then knowing that you had an impact on someone beneficially. To inspire another … [Read more...]
Making Time For Fitness During The Holidays

Well here we are in the midst of another holiday season filled with family, shopping and the dreaded food. This time of the year is quite stressful for many families and we all have a lot on our plates. It is important not to forget to take some time for ourselves and focus on getting in our daily exercise; doing this will help relieve stress and help you avoid the dreadful winter weight gain. Regular exercise during these times will reduce your cortisol levels which in turn; will minimize abdominal fat gain.Make it a point to set at the very least 30 minutes per day to get some exercise in. A … [Read more...]
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