The Family that Workout Together Stays Together

Family Conditioning with Pilates

You get up, help your family prepare to leave, take the kids to school, go to work, come back, pick up the kids, do homework, cook and then prepare to sleep. Then you say that you cannot workout because of the kids... the reality? You are responsible for your body and you are the example for your family. They deserve you in the best physical condition. The truth is that you can work your fitness program along with your family! Make them be part of a healthy life. Seeing your determination, commitment and dedication to achieve and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle will also make them want … [Read more...]

My Passion For Fitness

Loretta Mostofi

I am a personal trainer from Sydney, Australia. My passion since an early age has always been to be active and healthy. With the numerous years of experience and knowledge I have gained in the fitness industry, I now thrive on helping others achieve superior results in becoming leaner, fitter and healthier. My parents are Italian and food played a large part of our lives. In a Mediterranean background love is expressed through food and how much you eat. I was never thin nor fat growing up but was always on the larger side. I did play alot of sports, Little Athletics, Netball and Soccer (which … [Read more...]

Where do you store your fat?


A recent study by the Mayo Clinic shows that whether you store "belly fat" or "booty fat" can have an impact on overall health.  We have heard for years that "belly fat" leads to a higher risk of heart disease, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and other factors leading to metabolic syndrome.  The study conducted on 28 volunteers proves that while "booty fat" increases the number of fat cells, "belly fat" actually increases the size of existing fat cells.  An interesting point that they make, however, is that an increase in lower body fat may actually decrease developing risk factors … [Read more...]

Family Play 365

Girl playing dog

How much physical activity does your family get each day? If you are like most American families, the answer will be - not enough! Obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 72 million US adults are now obese and 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese. Obesity is the number two leading cause of preventable death in the Unites States. Being overweight or obese reduces your quality of life and increases your risk for chronic health conditions and diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood … [Read more...]