Summer is here and NOW is the time to enjoy the wonderful weather. Who else better to enjoy it with? Your spouse! Life is getting busier and busier and our relationships seem to be more and more strained. Have you heard about couples having "date night"? Well what about "daytime date" or "fitness fun"? As we get older, we seem to make things more complex than they really are. What about the good old days when we were kids and "played" with simple things like Frisbees? Do you remember how much fun a Frisbee can be? There is a rapidly growing sport activity called disc golf. It's a … [Read more...]
Super Set for Super Results
In less time than it takes to watch a few youtube videos, answer emails, or make a cup of coffee, you can burn as many calories as if you were to go for a brisk mile and half walk. You can do this workout at home, outside, at the gym, or in your hotel room – my point is it can go with you wherever you are! This power-packed routine will turn up the intensity with more speed and lots of muscles being simultaneously used. Because it is a full body workout, you will feel not only the core, but the rest of your body engaged and energized. You can burn stress and fat with this high-energy super … [Read more...]
Letter from the Editor: National Youth Sports Safety Month
Thank you for joining us on a journey of simple steps for healthier living…for you, your children, and the next generation. We are all aware that children are sponges soaking up every aspect of their environments and following their parents’ model of living. What are your goals for your children as they move through childhood into adolescence and eventually adulthood? If your hope is for your child to live a happy and healthy life as an adult, are you modeling happiness and health? One step towards a healthier and happier lifestyle is physical activity. If you’re concerned about the … [Read more...]
Who can relate to the scenario of each year making new year’s resolutions and then realizing that the year has passed you by and once again you have failed at achieving your expectations? I would like to help you with some strategies to make 2012 the year of change. We often tend to set ourselves huge expectations such as losing weight, stop smoking or drinking, etc . It all seems good at the start when for the first 2 days of the new year you are disciplined to not light up a cigarette, but then by day 3 your vulnerabilities and old habits get the better of you. You say to … [Read more...]
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