The summer season is about to wind down quickly and the kids are headed back to school. The first week or so of school is typically getting back into good study habits, remembering note taking skills, and using the basic learning tools. The same should apply when you are beginning or refreshing your fitness routine. Going back to the basics is always a solid building block to set your foundation. With good form and fitness techniques, you are bound to get results faster, safer, and better quality. Here are the TOP 5 form reminders to remember during your "Back to Basics" … [Read more...]
Fitness Time Well Spent
August is hot in most parts of the country but not so much here in sunny southern California. Fortunately we have had moderate temperatures, and we all get to enjoy summer a little longer before kids go back to school. Whether your kids are starting school or have started, now is the perfect time to begin mapping out the new fitness goals and routines. It seems like the optimal time to begin a new exercise program once the kids are off to school, and your schedule begins to have a little consistency. Now it just becomes a matter of using your time wisely. It has … [Read more...]
Small Changes = Big Results!
Embarking on some new healthy changes in your life? Great! Even if you’ve been inactive or have had poor eating habits for a while, no worries. You have to start somewhere, so why not start from where you are now? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can’t do it all at once and you’re not supposed to. Trying to do too much at once will only lead to frustration, or even worse, injury. So start slow. Here are five little things you can do each and every day to set you off in the right direction of all that you desire for yourself. 1) Set an intention. In my yoga and yoga … [Read more...]
5 Easy Body “Fat Reducing” Tips
Many fitness articles talk about “fat loss”, but I like to use the term “fat reduction”. It is a personal preference of mine that comes from a positive mindset. When you think of “loss” you typically think of something and want it back. For example if you lose your keys you want them back. If you lose a friend or loved one, you want them back. Loss is a mindset that you create. So, since I don’t want to find the fat again, I don’t like to use the term fat loss. (I certainly never get sad when I “lose body fat”.) If I were to use the mindset with “loss in it, my mind may tell me … [Read more...]
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