There are a lot of unhealthy and counterproductive workout habits and behaviors in which many unknowingly partake of on a daily basis; things that people have been doing wrong for years but simply never took the time to examine. These are mistakes that ANYONE can make, especially when starting out in the gym. I like to call them “Gym-stakes” & I am here to warn you of what they are before you accidentally develop bad workout habits. Here are the Top 10 Workout Mistakes: 1. Doing Cardio “The Wrong Way” There’s a delicate balance when it comes to cardio- If … [Read more...]
Mend Your Mental Health With EXERCISE
I love the movie "Legally Blonde" with Reese Witherspoon. Her entire outlook on life is so inspiring and motiviating. If you have not seen it, man/woman/child/grandmorther, GO RENT IT! It's well worth the $2 fee and the 90 minutes of your time. There's a part in the movie where Elle (Reese Witherspoon) is before the judge, discussing her client's innocence in the case. She says "I just don't think that Brooke could've done this. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." Endorphins are produced by the pituitary … [Read more...]
May Letter from the Editor
Hello Readers! Thank you for visiting our site! As the new Editor in Chief of, I am honored to welcome you to our mission…”To stamp out environmental and lifestyle disease for our children’s generation.” We strive to provide information and inspiration to everyday families to help you live healthier every day. Our writers/contributors consist of an outstanding team of experts in various fields dedicated to giving simple steps to implement healthier lifestyles. Each month we focus on different topics in line with nationally known health themes. For the month of May, you … [Read more...]
Journey Of Life
I like to imagine the journey of life to be similar to traveling down a long road with your values at the end, with many detours on the way. I also like to think of this as the human body and what I try and teach every day. Deep within our body located on our backbone are our core muscles. These are the muscles that support our frame. Although we can’t see them they are our base of support. A strong core provides stability and balance, the greater the stability of the centre, the more powerful the muscles of the arms and legs can contract. Let’s now adapt this to your emotional strength. If … [Read more...]
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