Hello! As we bid farewell to another year, we embrace new beginnings in 2013. January is always an exciting month as we set intentions for the next twelve months. According to a study completed by the University of Scranton, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45% of Americans usually make New Year's Resolutions and only 8% are successful in achieving them. The #1 resolution for 2012 unsuprisingly was to lose weight. http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/ We invite you to join us in setting healthy resolutions for 2013. Here are some quick tips in … [Read more...]
November Letter from the Editor
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” Robert Brault Thank you for exploring our site! In addition to celebrating Thanksgiving this month, we also honor American Diabetes Month and National Alzheimer’s Disease Month. In recognizing Thanksgiving, we encourage you to adopt an attitude of gratitude with each moment. Everything seems more manageable when we focus on appreciation for the little things we do have. A thankful heart also opens the door to a happier healthier life. We invite you to read on for practical tips for your … [Read more...]
Wake up with one positive statement for the day
Neuropsychological research has shown that the persistent practice of changing one's thought patterns results in changes in brain physiology. With minimal effort you can help rewiring your brain, for example by focusing on one positive affirmation every morning; even before leaving the comfort of your bed. What could a thought like that resemble? "Today, I will not take anything personally!" or "Today, I will only focus on positive aspects of situations I encounter!" or "Today, I am starting my day focusing on what I am grateful for!". What positive thought could you focus on tomorrow??? … [Read more...]
August ~ Healthy Back to School
We had so much fun with summer sports and the fall is already upon us! August always brings an assortment of emotions. Your children may be excited, curious, or nervous; parents may be relieved, hopeful, or concerned; teachers are hopefully motivated, rested, and inspired. Whether or not the school year affects you, we encourage you to consider the impact of a healthy routine on your emotions and attitude towards any transition. Children require opportunities for exercise, especially with school limitations of recess, free play, and lunch time. Healthy balanced meals keep our brains … [Read more...]
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