Kelly’s Blog – Weeks 10 & 11 So, it has been a couple of weeks since I have checked in. Although school started for us at the end of August, full activity schedules started last week. We also had lots of social events happening, including a party at our house on Labor Day. I was a little discouraged after Labor Day weekend, as I was up a couple of pounds from the week before. I don’t think it was completely that I over ate. I think some of it was water retention from too much salty food, etc. I still exercised a lot that week, including redoing the landscaping of my entire yard. So…last … [Read more...]
Kelly’s Week 8

Kelly’s Blog – Week 8 This week has been average. Probably more like most weeks in my life and what my upcoming weeks will also look like with school starting back. We (the family) had a lot of errands getting ready for school to start (and our regular activity schedule is outrageous). I exercised some, but not as much as when I was on vacation and I did not get in my weight training like I had been doing. But…it happens, right? So, you just try better the next week and that is what I am doing. I did still lose 1.5 pounds, so my new total loss is 17.2. Yay me! I did eat out a little more … [Read more...]
Kelly’s Week 7
Kelly’s Blog – Week 7 15.7 pounds….means I lost 1.8 pounds on vacation (10 days), while enjoying myself and eating dessert!! But, I did learn a few things about myself. I missed my scale. Yep – I said it. The scal-o-holic missed her scale….but, I missed it because I use it as a tool to keep me on track. Not to mention, knowing I have to check in with Angela and the blog also keeps me on track. I did eat too many desserts and didn’t feel real great about it (even when I was doing it); however, I just seemed to keep doing it anyway. Don’t get me wrong, it tasted good, but I need to learn to … [Read more...]
Kelly’s Week 6
Kelly’s Blog – Week 6 One day until I leave for vacation and I am right on track!! I feel like I just wrote a blog and don’t have too much to report this week. Once again, I have been on point with my food and have increased my cardio exercise (I had a little more time this week). I did a pyramid leg work out on Tuesday that Angela gave me and my legs are quite sore today (Thursday). I plan to get the chest/shoulder workout in this afternoon. My house is clean, my bags aren’t packed yet, but I am ready to get on the road. We will be with family all week, which I am really looking forward … [Read more...]
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