Dietary Protection Against Sun Exposure

pasta & sauce

Excessive sun exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has detrimental effects on the immune system causing inflammation; therefore over exposure resulting from sunburn can cause major causes of skin cancer such as basal carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant carcinoma. Americans get less than 25% of their lifetime of UV dose by the age of 18 (1). And three forths of lifetime exposure is delivered during adulthood and older age (1). If you want to decrease your chances of over exposure to the sun, a lifelong photoprotection (protection of self from sun exposure & UVR exposure) … [Read more...]

Summer Snack ideas for kids


Summer typically means kids will be spending more time around the house. Idle time sometimes means kids will be poking around the kitchen in hopes of finding a quick and easy snack-often an unhealthy one.   To help keep kids healthy, be sure to keep the refrigerator and pantry stocked with nutritious snacks that kids will enjoy. Start with a wide range of choices from the milk, fruit, vegetable and grains food groups.   "Smart snacking is a great way to meet nutrient requirements that may be missed at mealtime," said Andrea Garen, a registered dietitian at Dairy Council … [Read more...]

Healthy Tips & Recipes for School Lunches

girl with cooking bowl

Wow--the school lunch.  These have certainly been the topic of hot debate ever since Congress in its infinite wisdom declared that pizza counts as a 'vegetable' for school lunches.  (Ostensibly because it has a tablespoon of tomato sauce on it---Let's Get REAL!  In reality, it's because they get bribed with big bucks from big food manufacturers.) You're  a busy mother, & making breakfast for yourself & your children is already almost an impossibility.  Now, you add MORE time & effort in the crazy mornings?  No way, you think. Yes, there IS a way, with a little pre-planning, an … [Read more...]

Top Summer Slimdown Tips

Summer Slimdown Tips

Summer is just around the corner and many are scrambling to make positive changes in time for their vacations. Here are some "Summer Slimdown" Tips that you can incorporate to ensure that you are Swimsuit ready! 1. Know Your Daily Caloric Intake While you don’t need to neurotic about every bite you take throughout the day,it’s always in your favor to have a ball-park figure of what you need to consume to maintain and/or lose weight. Average Daily Calories to MAINTAIN Your Weight: Here is a simple formula) courtesy of Discovery Health that can also help you figure out how to lose a … [Read more...]