Mindful Resources


Here are just some of the many wonderful resources related to neuroscience and mindfulness... NeuroScience and NeuroPsychology: Daniel Amen, MD: www.amenclinics.com Daniel Siegel, MD: www.drdansiegel.com Rick Hanson, MD: www.rickhanson.net, www.wisebrain.org Jack Kornfield, PhD: www.jackkornfield.com Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD: www.umassmed.edu Bonnie Badenoch, PhD, LMFT: www.brainwisetherapist.org Bessel van der Kolk, MD: www.traumacenter.org PsychAlive: www.psychalive.com National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine: www.nicabm.com “The mind is … [Read more...]

Mindfulness Meditation in Practice: The Neurobiology of Mindfulness

calm beach

Mindfulness, mindfulness meditation, or even meditation are all terms that are thrown around a lot in the media. But what is mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness meditation describes a concept that involves concentration, being aware of the present moment, and an overall transformation in how we use our minds. Mindfulness meditation practices are being incorporated into all aspects of life. Schools, chronic pain treatment programs, even the military is utilizing mindfulness meditation as a way of calming the body, decreasing stress, and strengthening the brain. Mindfulness techniques like … [Read more...]