Laughter Yoga: Laugh Your Way to Happiness

laughter yogaLaughter yoga is taking center stage in the world of integrative services. When was the last time you had a really good laugh? The kind that almost makes you cry? Do you remember how good you felt after that laughter? It is scientifically proven that laughter releases the “feel good” hormone endorphins.

Laughter yoga classes have popped up all over the country because of the health benefits it gives its participants. Your brain does not recognize the difference between organic laughter and purposeful laughter. You are able to laugh without a joke or anything silly occurring. Since laughter can be voluntary, yoga laughter can use the combination of deep breathing and purposeful laughter to help you reap the benefits of organic laughter. Plus, it is fun! Here are some reasons that you might want to check out a class:

  • Oxygenation of your Body and Brain: the combination of deep breathing and laughing oxygenates your body and brain, making you feel more energetic, alert and healthy.
  • Group yoga laughter is contagious: While in a group of participants you are breathing deeply while laughing and maintaining eye contact with the others in the group. It can turn really silly and then everyone begins to laugh organically. Laughter is as contagious as a yawn. It ends up being a fun and happy time for everyone!
  • Changes your mood instantly: since your body releases endorphins upon laughing, forced or not, your mood will instantly improve.
  • Improves relationships: people enjoy being around others who are happy. Relationships and friendships will grow if you have a happier disposition. More people will be drawn to you. Laughing together creates a closer bond, enhances teamwork, and helps diffuse conflicts between friends, co-workers, and family.
  • Physiological benefits: laughter yoga has been proven to reduce blood pressure and reduce the stress hormone cortisol. It also increases antibodies and your immune cells, which helps to fight infection and illness.

As you can see, laughter has many benefits. To find a laughter yoga class online or in person, visit



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