Living the ‘efit’ Lifestyle

 Now that we are entering a new year many of us are making resolutions as to what we are hoping to achieve in the year ahead, what bad habits we need to break and what good habits we need to adopt.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to take charge of your health but for many the lists of changes can be overwhelming and when we feel overwhelmed we rarely take action. That is why here at we are going to break it down into simple steps that you can take each month to improve your health. When you do things gradually it feels more comfortable and you are more likely to stay on the road that leads to permanent change.

So, that being said let us take a look at this month’s action plan starting with the all important medical checkup…


Time for a health evaluation. Go to your doctor. Be sure to take a list with you of any minor health concerns you have been experiencing and have a full medical checkup done.

Regular health exams are valuable in that they can help to detect problems before they start and can also find issues of concern early so that chances of treatment and cure are better. By ensuring that you get the correct screenings and treatments you are taking important steps that increase your chances of living a longer, healthier life.


It is very important that you visit your dentist at least once every 6 months to have your teeth inspected and given a thorough cleaning. It will not only help you avoid long term damage to your teeth and prevent cavities from forming it will also save you money by avoiding more expensive treatments further down the road.

Regular checkups prevent gum disease, oral cancer, and bad breath and help you maintain not only good oral health but physical health. So starting the year with a dental check up is vital.


Finally for this month it would be a great time to go and check out deals at local gyms. At the beginning of the year health and fitness clubs are keen to entice new members and often offer great financial incentives to help get you started.

So that’s it for this month. Stay tuned for next month’s action plan and remember to live every day the efitfamily way!



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