Tibetan Bowls Sing Your Body into Healthy Vibrations

Tibetan bowls

It is scientifically proven that all matter vibrates. Some vibrate at higher frequencies, while others vibrate at lower levels. This is its resonant frequency. Every part of your body, including your cells, tissues, bones, and organs have a resonant frequency. When it is out of sync with its normal level, that is when the body has a dis-ease. Maintaining and/or restoring your body’s natural vibrational level is key to good health. This is where the Tibetan Bowls come into play. While the gong is one of the oldest instruments, the Tibetan bowls accomplish the same outcome in the body. The … [Read more...]

Parenting Support Group: Uplift, Learn, Share


Being a parent has many challenges. There isn’t a manual to tell you what to do and sometimes you need to rely on your own sense as a parent to make judgments. As children grow, so do you as a parent. These phases in life can be stressful and difficult for everyone in the family. Reaching out for parenting support group can help you in the daily life as a parent. Just like any job, there are certain skills in being a positive parent and role model to your child. Not everyone has the skills passed on from their parents, so a support group is ideal for anyone who is struggling with the stress … [Read more...]

Support Group Helps Those with Diabetes

support group

Getting any kind of bad news is hard to handle, but when it concerns your own health, the emotions can become overwhelming. The challenges to managing your diabetes such as lifestyle modifications and dietary restrictions can be daunting. Having a support group filled with people that understand the trials and tribulations of all types of diabetes can tremendously help someone afflicted with this disease. Support groups help to encourage participants in the transition and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to know that you are not alone and a support group can give you the … [Read more...]

Kids Yoga: 5 Reasons to Sign Your Child Up for Classes

kids yoga

When you think of yoga class, you probably envision adults in lotus positions sitting quietly on their mats. It might be difficult to imagine a group of kids sitting still on mats for any length of time. But, they can and they do! Kids yoga is very beneficial in their growth. Children have stress in their lives, just as adults. They have schoolwork, relationships with peers, self-esteem issues, their bodies are growing, relationships with family, and organized activities. Taking a kids’ yoga class can be very beneficial for their growing mind and bodies. Here are some benefits that can come … [Read more...]