2012 Week 6

This week’s blog is about “coming back to life”….I’m not gonna lie, the only part of my body that is not sore are my fingers (thankfully because I have to type this wonderful blog!!! LOL). This week I finally got clearance from my doctor to work out again (thank God!!!).  I was given a new food plan by my ever patient and wonderful trainer, Angela. And I am loving it because I get to eat watermelon…it’s the little things that please me!  This week has been challenging workout-wise. My wrist is feeling pretty good but my knee is still not too pleased with her klutzy owner!!! I’ve completed all my workouts and I’ve finally learned that when my knee starts hurting I have to back off. When I get home each night I have been icing it and putting it up as I know slow and steady wins the race!!! I have faith that I will be all better soon but as I have learned, it just takes time.
The littlest things have gotten me thru this week…I am learning to focus more on what I have accomplished rather than my setbacks. One of my favorite quotes is “when you take your eyes off the goal all you see are the obstacles”.  I love that feeling of being sore again because I know that is progress and I LOVE that! Also, and this is HUGE for me….I have not touched a real Coca-Cola or Lipton sweetened iced tea in 6 weeks!! That is a HUGE deal for this former once a day sweet tea or coke drinker. There were times that if you could have put an IV of sweet tea in my arm I would have been in bliss…for that one thing I am truly grateful. Through fitness and clean eating I am learning who I am as a person, what I want out of life and MOSTLY that if I am willing to put in the work I can do anything. It’s all about changing what the mind perceives as pleasure and pain and this CRAZY, WHACKY mind of mine is changing and I LOVE IT…till next week my friends…!


The great news is that Cheryl is officially BACK in action at the gym! I know, and she knows, that she still has to take it slow and nurse her knee but at least she was able to push through her workouts and feel the ever-so-satisfying burn and soreness that comes with it—that’s what I’m talking about! I changed up her a diet just a little for variety but she’s still eating a balanced blend of (good) carbs, fats, and protein. She loves her fruit and veggies and has been completely off sugary drinks–THIS is a HUGE deal and I’m really proud of her for abstaining! I often remind her it’s all about baby-steps; I tell her as well as others, you MUST start changing your diet by acknowledging what you’re already ingesting to identify the worst habits and try to focus on those FIRST! For Cheryl, her sugar wasn’t coming from too many happy hours, it was her sugar fixes from sweetened tea and sodas! I have a friend who recently stopped drinking so much sugar, whether it was already there in a beverage or she added it, and she lost 13 pounds in a month—and that wasn’t even doing anything else! Now, I’d always recommend healthy eating AND exercise, but the point is that making a small change like that shows up as a “loss.” Don’t just take my word for it either…check out one of our featured articles this month on soda consumption!

And speaking of “loss”…Cheryl was very lucky and excited to lose those 8 pounds in our first  2 weeks together, but scoffed at losing “only 2 pounds” this past week—Ah-HEM! What did I say in the beginning? For long-term weight permanent weight loss, it is NORMAL to lose about 2 pounds a week, often anything more than that over a short period is a CRASH diet of some sort and one which you combine starving yourself and/or eliminating certain nutrients from your body while getting to some number on the scale or a dress size. I had to remind her to be patient and consistent–and in her defense, patience is VERY hard for me too–but that’s what this journey is all about! Without patience and consistency, she’s not going to learn anything for the long-term. I mean, almost everyone loves a quick-fix…who wants to work AND wait for it?! I get that. But that’s not what permanent life changes are about – you have to focus and be disciplined one day at a time! Cheryl is learning it’s easier said than done but she’s finding positive ways of dealing with it by reading positive books and surrounding herself with positive people. <smart> I can’t wait to hear how she felt after another week of training…next week, hopefully, we can begin to mix that up too! Till then—stay focused, and get fit!!



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About Angela Lee, B.A., CPT

Angela has spent 16 years in a high-profile corporate career but elected to follow her dream of educating others to take better care of themselves by becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). She's also a National Physique Committee (NPC) competitor and belongs to one of the nation's largest and successful competitive teams. Lastly, as a survivor of childhood cancer she's learned at a young age the importance of making good choices about health, maintaining a positive outlook on life and the impact both have on overall vitality long-term.