Kelly’s Week 5

Kelly’s Blog – Week 5

Hello everyone! I am writing this blog on a one hour break between our local “Wizard of Oz” show that my daughter is in…but before the 11:30 cast call my morning started with a 2.5 mile walk, a visit to IHOP, and then a kick box video. At IHOP, I ordered egg whites with two slices of turkey bacon and did not eat the toast. In the past, I would have probably ordered regular eggs with a side of grits and regular bacon (then had a taste or two of my kid’s left over pancakes). So again…another food milestone of making good choices. That is really what it is all about in the end, isn’t it? We choose our actions and words when communicating with people and we make choices about what to eat and to exercise!! It is all a choice, so I am glad that I am making conscious choices now and setting aside the excuses.

My knees were still a little sore this week (and summer activities got the best of me – very busy week for the kids), so I did not train at the level I did last week (again…choices). However knowing my knees were sore and we had a lot of activities, I was perfect with my food and I lost 1.6 lbs. So for those not “keeping track” that is 11 pounds. I am pleased with that number, especially with my current physical limitation. I do feel like I should note that even though this says Week 5 – it is technically Week 6 for me. I also feel it is important to note that I am in the 140’s before my beach vacation!! If I lose another 10 pounds from this point, I will be the same weight as my husband. So, in the next 6 weeks I would like to lose at least 12 pounds to be less than him.

The workout that I have been using is pretty challenging. The pushups with my feet on the bench were tough, but I can get through all the sets without resting now. On the plyometrics day, the 3-way mountain climbers are a bear!! Both my biceps and triceps are bigger, but I think everything else is smaller. I buttoned a junior size 9 pair of shorts today. I thought they were a little short for the event I was going to, but they buttoned! I think another 10 pounds and they will look pretty good.

I will say that I am not at all worried about my progress while on vacation. My sister-in-laws are also very physically active, so I know they will keep me on track at the beach. So…one week and counting until I have my large water jug beside me and my toes in the water!! I will check in next Friday before I leave. The summer is going by so quickly – no time like the present to get started if you have not already done so. REMEMBER – IT IS ALL ABOUT CHOICES!


Given that Kelly is technically in her 6th week (recall we started her on the diet up front before tweaking her workout regime), I’m proud to report she’s experienced a very normal pace of weight loss at just under 11 pounds and lost a total of 8 inches to date!

The “key” thing she’s learning is summarized in her FINAL word of this week’s blog: CHOICES! Every day we wake up, we are faced with “choices” – everything from what we wear to the attitudes we have towards ourselves, and others, and to what we choose to put into our bodies! Your day starts with you—and ends with you! YOU decide how you react to any changes beyond your control and you choose whether or not to make each day the best it can be regarding your overall health!

Kelly is applying what I fondly refer to as the 3Ds for making good choices: Determination. Dedication and Discipline! It’s that simple – but so much easier said than done – I’d like to think that’s where anyone’s support system comes into play. That support system can be family, friends and/or even a personal trainer or Coach – we ALL need help at some point in our lives to reach certain goals and there’s no room for the “Debbie downers” or “negative Nellies” while trying to get there!

This week, I’m giving her a little different resistance training program – always good to mix it up – and cause a little muscle confusion…we’ll see how she does with it! Keep it up Kel!!




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About Angela Lee, B.A., CPT

Angela has spent 16 years in a high-profile corporate career but elected to follow her dream of educating others to take better care of themselves by becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). She's also a National Physique Committee (NPC) competitor and belongs to one of the nation's largest and successful competitive teams. Lastly, as a survivor of childhood cancer she's learned at a young age the importance of making good choices about health, maintaining a positive outlook on life and the impact both have on overall vitality long-term.