Small Changes = Big Results!

lady sitting

Embarking on some new healthy changes in your life? Great! Even if you’ve been inactive or have had poor eating habits for a while, no worries. You have to start somewhere, so why not start from where you are now? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can’t do it all at once and you’re not supposed to. Trying to do too much at once will only lead to frustration, or even worse, injury. So start slow. Here are five little things you can do each and every day to set you off in the right direction of all that you desire for yourself. 1) Set an intention. In my yoga and yoga … [Read more...]

Yoga in the Great Outdoors

children yoga

Anyone who practices yoga can tell you how wonderful it makes you feel. There is something about yoga that is  unlike any other exercise program in that it works your whole being inside and out - body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is traditionally practiced indoors in a classroom orstudio setting...but taking your practice outside can open up a whole new world for you...literally! One of the main tenets of yoga practice is learning greater awareness and presence. Awareness of being in the present moment and taking in all that you experience, fully. Most of our lives we are distracted by so many … [Read more...]

Yoga Resolution: Study Proves Positive Effects on Mood


A recent study by the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) found that yoga has a more positive impact on mood, including reduced anxiety and depression, than other forms of exercise.  The study included two randomized groups of approximately 35 individuals who were assigned to participate in either one hour of yoga or walking three times a week.  Those who participated in yoga demonstrated significantly increased brain gamma aminobutyric (GABA) levels.  Individuals with low GABA levels have been found to exhibit depression and anxiety related issues.  Participants were also asked to … [Read more...]