Listen to internet radio with Doctors of the USA on Blog Talk Radio … [Read more...]
You’ve Got To Love Yourself First
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, many of us have love on our minds. What is love anyway? We all want it. We all look for it. Where is it? We assume that when we “find” love, we’ll finally be happy. But even when we find someone to be in a relationship with, as we all know, this does not mean we are happy all the time. So then what? If we feel unhappy in a relationship, we may want to end that relationship and look for the next person who will finally make us feel happy. And so it goes. Valentine’s Day perpetuates the misguided notion that we need to find someone to love us or we are … [Read more...]
Setting New Year’s Resolutions
“To know and not to do is not to know” (Buddha) What could that possibly have to do with the topic of this article??? Well, let’s look at the headline again: “Setting New Year’s Resolutions”. First of all I would like to share with you a strategy to identify a relevant New Year’s resolution for yourself. But secondly, to help you make it more likely that you will actually follow through with it. You might consider smoking cessation, eating healthier and losing weight, reconciling with an estranged friend or relative, renovating your home or other ideas. Now before you ultimately decide … [Read more...]
Beat the ”Mommy Blues”
Having a baby is supposed to be a time of excitement and joy. However, life has a tendency to surprise us and things do not always end up how we planned. If you are feeling down, doubting your ability to be a mom, or confused or disappointed about your emotions, here are some tips to keep in consideration: 1. You’re not alone. Research indicates that anywhere from 30 to 80% of new moms experience “mommy blues” and 10 to 25% experience more severe symptoms, or postpartum depression. Ask others if mommy hood was a more difficult adjustment than they expected…you may be surprised that even … [Read more...]
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