What is DBT?


When clients ask me about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a treatment developed by Marsha M. Linehan that offers assistance to those affected by anxiety, depression, self-harm, trauma, and substance abuse, I educate them on the four modules of treatment. These are, mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal regulation and distress tolerance or radical acceptance. During our first sessions, you will learn that mindfulness is learning to be in control of your mind instead of letting your mind control you. You will be gently guided on a series of pleasant exercises to raise awareness … [Read more...]

Healing in the Sand

sand tray

"Often the hands know how to solve a riddle with which the intellect has wrestled in vain."  ~ Carl Jung One form of play therapy  is sand tray.  This is a safe way for clients of all ages to find some control over their lives in a healthy way.   Sand tray, or sand play as some models refer to it, allows a safe and contained space for the builder to create a world in the sand by selecting and placing different images representing real or imaginary people, places, or concepts in the sand.     Clients can choose from any of the miniatures representing the real and imaginary world in which … [Read more...]

Mindfulness Meditation in Practice: The Neurobiology of Mindfulness

calm beach

Mindfulness, mindfulness meditation, or even meditation are all terms that are thrown around a lot in the media. But what is mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness meditation describes a concept that involves concentration, being aware of the present moment, and an overall transformation in how we use our minds. Mindfulness meditation practices are being incorporated into all aspects of life. Schools, chronic pain treatment programs, even the military is utilizing mindfulness meditation as a way of calming the body, decreasing stress, and strengthening the brain. Mindfulness techniques like … [Read more...]

What Does Transformational Breathing® Do?


Opens and clears restricted breathing patterns producing… More energy, increased detoxification, better health, improved respiratory capacity, a strengthened immune system and more balance. Clears the subconscious mind which allows us to… Resolve stress, create the relaxation response, and permanently clear repressed emotions, such as anger, fear, anxiety, guilt and depression.  Also removes old mental tapes and programs of limitation and lack, which creates more peace, creativity and clarity.  It releases past traumas located in the cellular memory. Allows easier accessibility to … [Read more...]