Wake up with one positive statement for the day

Young boy outside

Neuropsychological research has shown that the persistent practice of changing one's thought patterns results in changes in brain physiology. With minimal effort you can help rewiring your brain, for example by focusing on one positive affirmation every morning; even before leaving the comfort of your bed. What could a thought like that resemble? "Today, I will not take anything personally!" or "Today, I will only focus on positive aspects of situations I encounter!" or "Today, I am starting my day focusing on what I am grateful for!". What positive thought could you focus on tomorrow??? … [Read more...]

Keep your Kids Healthy; Prevent Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity is an Epidemic

Childhood obesity is rising at an alarming rate these days. Children are eating more and more high sugar, high fat processed foods than ever before and it shows. And sadly, studies are showing that this is the first generation that will live shorter lives than prior generations due to the obesity epidemic. Scary! Parents tend to lead busier lives then ever, and time spent in the kitchen is few and far between in many households. Our children don’t even know the names of fresh veggies, or fruits anymore. They are used to eating food from a box or a can with a colorful superhero telling them … [Read more...]

Benefits of Exercise for Children


Those of you who have read my articles in the past already know how much significance I attribute to the benefits of exercise and nutrition on our mental well being. I am often being asked why I think we have so many children, and adults by the way, diagnosed with something we call ADHD, mood or anxiety disorders. Well, one day we may possibly find out that there is something particular in our food or environment that directly causes it. And for some children reducing simple sugars, gluten, or other additives can make a big difference. However, thinking about some friends of mine and how they … [Read more...]

August ~ Healthy Back to School

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We had so much fun with summer sports and the fall is already upon us!  August always brings an assortment of emotions.  Your children may be excited, curious, or nervous; parents may be relieved, hopeful, or concerned; teachers are hopefully motivated, rested, and inspired.  Whether or not the school year affects you, we encourage you to consider the impact of a healthy routine on your emotions and attitude towards any transition.  Children require opportunities for exercise, especially with school limitations of recess, free play, and lunch time.  Healthy balanced meals keep our brains … [Read more...]