Eliminate Fast Food

Fast Food

Our fast paced world is sometimes a challenge when it comes to meal planning. Busy parents often spend their evenings driving children to practices, school functions and study groups. This makes getting a healthy home cooked meal a challenge and many parents and busy professionals turn to fast food as the answer. It’s easy to just dash through the drive through or call the pizza delivery guy but that’s not best for our health! So how can we eliminate fast food? Seems impossible to many, but here are some ideas to help: Plan ahead. When you have a game plan or in this case meal plan … [Read more...]

Back to School Food Tips for Teens


Back to school is very exciting for kids of every age. Buying new school cloths and supplies but what we usually forget to plan for is how we eat! I interviewed several teens for this article to learn more about their habits and what they want to know about eating healthier. So for all you teens that are getting ready to head back to school don’t forget the most important school supply of all food! Fuel your brain and body right with good foods! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don’t miss it. I was not surprised to hear that most teenagers miss breakfast during the … [Read more...]

Dietary Protection Against Sun Exposure

pasta & sauce

Excessive sun exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has detrimental effects on the immune system causing inflammation; therefore over exposure resulting from sunburn can cause major causes of skin cancer such as basal carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant carcinoma. Americans get less than 25% of their lifetime of UV dose by the age of 18 (1). And three forths of lifetime exposure is delivered during adulthood and older age (1). If you want to decrease your chances of over exposure to the sun, a lifelong photoprotection (protection of self from sun exposure & UVR exposure) … [Read more...]

Healthy Tips & Recipes for School Lunches

girl with cooking bowl

Wow--the school lunch.  These have certainly been the topic of hot debate ever since Congress in its infinite wisdom declared that pizza counts as a 'vegetable' for school lunches.  (Ostensibly because it has a tablespoon of tomato sauce on it---Let's Get REAL!  In reality, it's because they get bribed with big bucks from big food manufacturers.) You're  a busy mother, & making breakfast for yourself & your children is already almost an impossibility.  Now, you add MORE time & effort in the crazy mornings?  No way, you think. Yes, there IS a way, with a little pre-planning, an … [Read more...]