Healthy Tips & Recipes for School Lunches

girl with cooking bowl

Wow--the school lunch.  These have certainly been the topic of hot debate ever since Congress in its infinite wisdom declared that pizza counts as a 'vegetable' for school lunches.  (Ostensibly because it has a tablespoon of tomato sauce on it---Let's Get REAL!  In reality, it's because they get bribed with big bucks from big food manufacturers.) You're  a busy mother, & making breakfast for yourself & your children is already almost an impossibility.  Now, you add MORE time & effort in the crazy mornings?  No way, you think. Yes, there IS a way, with a little pre-planning, an … [Read more...]

A Practical Organic Solution for Holiday Parties!

So........the holidays are bearing down upon us.  And suddenly excuses for eating toxic junk that we normally wouldn't consider putting into our bodies are more omnipresent than fake Santas.  Why is it that so many people gain so much weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas?  Oh, you say, it's all the holiday food, parties, stress, cooking, gifts of goodies, treats at work, and on and on, ad nauseum. Really?  Seriously?  Come on now, how many parties do we REALLY go to?  If you're a major social butterfly and the most popular kid in the class, you may go to, what, 10 holiday parties? … [Read more...]



Ayurvedic medicine is India’s form of ancient medicine. It works on a system of balancing the body’s internal energies by looking at the different temperatures that go inside us. According to this practice, ginger is one of the best foods you can eat.   Because ginger has been around so long, both ancient and modern medicine believes that ginger has numerous benefits. It has anti-cancer properties, great for digestion, and can relieve car sickness by settling the stomach. This is especially helpful for sea sickness and morning sickness for pregnant women. (I have really enjoyed my … [Read more...]

Small Changes = Big Results!

lady sitting

Embarking on some new healthy changes in your life? Great! Even if you’ve been inactive or have had poor eating habits for a while, no worries. You have to start somewhere, so why not start from where you are now? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can’t do it all at once and you’re not supposed to. Trying to do too much at once will only lead to frustration, or even worse, injury. So start slow. Here are five little things you can do each and every day to set you off in the right direction of all that you desire for yourself. 1) Set an intention. In my yoga and yoga … [Read more...]