Coach Broser’s Did You Know?

-That Echinacea is an herb not only proven to help fight off colds, but can also decrease levels of anxiety by 25% or more.
-Marinating meats in lemon juice before cooking can reduce production of “advanced glycation end products,” which are compounds that age the body.
-That drinking 8 oz per day of apple juice has been proven to decrease symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
-That CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) has been shown to help lower heart attack risk and be protective against cancer.
-That the best diet for controlling blood sugar is a high protein, low-glycemic carbohydrate plan, and that this will work even in the absence of caloric restriction.
-That chewing gum for about 45 minutes before a meal has been proven to decrease caloric consumption during that meal by about 10%.
-That studies have shown that by drinking one cup of coffee per day you can lower your risk of early death from all causes by up to 40%.
-That eating nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, etc) daily is a great way to help control type 2 diabetes and help control its symptoms.
-That cayenne pepper is a natural remedy for migraines as it helps to disable neurotransmitters in the brain that cause headaches. Use about a quarter teaspoon in a glass of warm water, then dab some in your nostrils with a Q-Tip to begin to get relief.
-That overeating can suppress growth hormone levels making you even more susceptible to fat/weight gain.



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About Eric Broser

Eric Broser has been involved in the fitness industry for over twenty years as a personal trainer, natural pro bodybuilder, supplement company representative, model, author, magazine columnist, and gym owner. He is the developer of both the P/RR/S and FD/FS training systems, which are practiced by trainees all over the world.