Your Health is Your Wealth. My Passion is Health.
Why am I passionate about health? It’s simple. I’m passionate about living and, in general, people. People deserve to be their best. And the definition of “best” is different for everyone. The key to becoming your best is to 1) make the decision you want to make a change 2) find the resources to help you do it and 3) commit! In January of 2010 I made the decision to change my entire life. After spending 15 years of an intense career in the high/tech industry, racking up thousands of frequent flier miles and watching my own personal ‘best’ slip away from me, I had to stop the madness. I chose to make a career transition and become a certified personal trainer (CPT). The thought of ending years of a lucrative income was frightening enough but there is no truer measure of wealth – than health! How are you supposed to reap the rewards of retirement when your health has been neglected for so long? My instinct led me to take that leap of faith and I haven’t looked back; now I’m in a position to help others.
It wasn’t enough for me to change careers alone; I needed to find the ultimate challenge to prove to myself that I can ‘walk my talk’. In August of 2009 to prepare for my career transition in 2010, I joined the nation’s largest competitive physique team. Due diligence and instinct led me to Shannon Dey, founder of Team Bombshell. It was through her coaching and training that I not only discovered an appreciation for the sport in general and the athleticism it takes to compete but I became an athlete—something I had never been. I transformed my own perceptions about competing, as well as my own body. Competing is certainly not for everyone; only 1% of the global population does it. But it was a goal—my goal. And the beauty of any goal is that it’s personal –it’s yours—and something you only achieve through work…hard work. That said, I will continue to compete in 2011. It’s brought me knowledge and joy that I hope can help others.
In addition to a career change inspired by a strong desire to help others, I am a 20+ year cancer survivor. That alone prompted awareness on health and nutrition at a rather early age. At the age of 13, when most people are going through all the woes and joys of entering the teenage years, I was mostly bald, too tired to ‘play’ and kept from being in the sun. Although I still am adamant about not being in the sun, the radiation therapy I received was brutal and, today, I am dealing with its consequences. Currently, the statistics are that 1 in 3 people at some point in their life will have a form of the dreaded “c” word—cancer. That’s alarming because even if you do not get a form of cancer, you most likely will know someone close to you who will—if you don’t already. Therefore, all the more reason to identify unhealthy habits now and implement healthier ones for prevention. Lead by example in your family—your kids will thank you and be healthier too!
Along with my position within, I am a contestant in the Mrs. Texas International 2011 pageant as Mrs. San Antonio International. I am excited yet very humbled by this opportunity. With my platform focusing on cancer survivorship, “Finding the Silver Lining in the “C” Word”, I am able to work with the American Cancer Society on advocating a healthy lifestyle beyond a cancer diagnosis. In spite of the fact premature death among survivors of childhood cancer is higher than the number expected in the general population, I’m able to speak about what it’s like to be a survivor and the importance of optimism and faith.
Needless to say I know I’m fortunate to be doing what I’m doing today! By next year, I will launch “Firkins Fitness Factory”, my website as a business that will assist in ‘manufacturing bodies to proud of’. Each person is different and so is their personal best. My goal will be to help others achieve that pride and confidence that comes from setting goals to becoming a personal best. It’s your health that is my passion!
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Angela, you rock! We miss you in the corp world, but applaud you for following your heart, health and dreams. Miss you!
Meghan…miss you as well and thank you for posting!
There are aspects of my former world I miss…(e.g., connecting frequently w/ people like yourself). You are a shining star and example as well – don’t ever doubt that.