“Transformational Breath® is a powerful self-healing breath work modality that integrates and heals on every level of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Using a FULL connected breathing pattern Transformational Breath brings awareness and life-force into the entire body, clears mental tapes, integrates suppressed feelings (imprints) stored in the subconscious, and enhances the connection to and experience of Presence.
The intentions of Transformational Breath are multifaceted and begin with the facilitator’s intention to support the overall intentions of the process, which are to:
- Assist in fully opening the breathing pattern of the client.
- Facilitate the integration of suppressed emotions and memories.
- Support the connection to the client’s Presence and greater expression of his/her Spiritual nature.
The next aspect of intention in Transformational Breath is to support the client’s intentions in the session. These intentions are explored before each session. The next important area of intention, present in every session, is that the facilitator hold the space for the intention of Spirit to manifest. This could be known or unknown to the client and facilitator. This last intention allows the results to transcend from the realm of human possibilities to unlimited good.
The first and foremost objective in a Transformational Breath session is to open up the respiratory system and create an open, flowing breath. Most people have very restricted breathing patterns which primarily come from shutting down parts of the respiratory system to suppress unwanted or unfelt memories or feelings. As the facilitators guide clients into breathing into the traditionally protected and restricted areas they are able to not only bring awareness and energy into those parts of the body but are also able to facilitate accessing and integrating suppressed energy patterns (emotions and memories) that have been stored there. This integration is based on a principle of physics called the law of entrainment wherein the energy of the breathing (high vibration) comes into contact with the energy of the suppressed material (lower vibration) resulting in the higher energy entraining or raising the frequency of the lower energy. This represents a permanent transformation of that particular pattern. One of the more interesting aspects of Transformational Breath is the understanding of the correlation between a person’s breathing pattern and what is going on in their life, at the levels of personality, behaviors, the subconscious and areas of expression.”
All of this making Transformational Breath a very powerful tool in creating permanent change in ones life.
*Quoted text written by Dr. Judith Kravitz, founder of Transformational Breath®
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